Since february 2017 DuGOF is a project Foundation of both Avifaunistic Circle and Batumi Raptor Count (more information below).
The AKN was founded in november 2012 as section of the Netherlands Ornithologists Union (NOU). Its mission is to connect those who are in search of coöperation and dialog in the field of avifaunistic studies.
This includes:
• Activities of the Dutch Working Group on Ornithological Heritage;
• Activities of the working group Georgia where the founding of DuGOF was initiated;
• Coöperation with managers of bird sanctuaries and deepening conservation issues.
From 2008 onwards BRC monitors the autumn migration of raptors near Batumi at the Black Sea coast. Click here for more information. Today BRC has the experience of ten years monitoring and the board of BRC has decided to continue this activity. The understanding of trends in observed migration is increasing but clear conclusions ask for a longer research period.
In September 2013 the board of AKN paid an oriëntational visit to the Batumi area. Discussions with a few initiators of SABUKO made clear that the Chorokhi delta is beleaved to be an important stop-over area for long distance migrants, but that the area is in continuous threat of uncontrolled tourism and future building plans. More specifically it was stated that bird counts during spring migration were hardly available and very much needed.
Due to this information and through collaboration with SABUKO, the opportunity was created for Rinse van der
Vliet to do bird counts in the area during end of May and first half of June in 2015. A report of these counts is available.
Our intention is to facilitate a second series of bird counts in almost the same season this year (2018). This in collaboration with SABUKO and BRC.
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